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contoh kalimat reception desk

"reception desk" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • A load of shirts for the reception desk.
    Sebuah beban kemeja untuk meja resepsionis.
  • Are you sitting at the reception desk at the Seattle Office?
    Apakah kau di meja resepsionis di kantor Seattle?
  • There is no seventh-floor reception desk at the Seattle Office.
    Tak ada meja resepsionis di lantai tujuh kantor Seattle.
  • I'm at the reception desk, South Tower.
    Aku di meja resepsionis, menara selatan.
  • Put the reception desk right here.
    Meja resepsinya di sini.
  • Are you sitting at the seventh-floor reception desk at the Seattle Office?
    Apakah kau di meja resepsionis di lantai tujuh kantor Seattle? Ya.
  • Barcelona Gold Marble Countertop For Reception Desk Decoration
    Meja marmer barcelona emas untuk dekorasi meja resepsionis
  • At 10.00 AM...Please Contact Reception Desk -2.
    Pada Jam 10.00 wib...Silakan Hubungi Reception Desk -2.
  • Show your movie ticket to the reception desk!
    Cukup tukarkan tiket nonton di meja registrasi!
  • A cot is available upon request at the reception desk.
    Sebuah pondok tersedia berdasarkan permintaan di meja resepsionis.
  • 9 Reception Desk 2400 900 1200 2.85
    9 Meja resepsionis 2400 900 1200 2,85
  • Your Office Needs a Reception Desk? - LunarFurniture.com - LunarFurniture.com
    Kantor Kamu Membutuhkan Meja Resepsionis? - LunarFurniture.com - LunarFurniture.com
  • Company Executive Wooden White Reception Desk MDF With logo Printing
    Perusahaan Eksekutif Meja Penerimaan Putih Kayu MDF Dengan Pencetakan logo
  • Wood Reception Desk on sales - Quality Wood Reception Desk supplier
    Meja Penerimaan Kayu penjualan - Kualitas Meja Penerimaan Kayu pemasok
  • Wood Reception Desk on sales - Quality Wood Reception Desk supplier
    Meja Penerimaan Kayu penjualan - Kualitas Meja Penerimaan Kayu pemasok
  • Company Reception Desk Company Internal Meeting Room Company Factory Sample room
    Company Reception Desk Company Internal ruang pertemuan Pabrik Perusahaan Ruang sampel
  • Barcelona Gold Marble Countertop, popular used for reception desk and kitchen.
    meja marmer barcelona emas, populer digunakan untuk meja resepsionis dan dapur.
  • SS5890 Jade Spot Grey Composite Quartz Stone Worktops Reception Desk Tops Counter
    SS5890 Tempat Jade abu-abu kuarsa komposit batu Worktops meja resepsionis Tops Counter
  • Commercial White MDF ARC Reception Desk For Public Service , Student Information Desk
    Meja Penerimaan Komersial Putih ARC MDF Untuk Layanan Publik, Meja Informasi Siswa
  • (table, countertop, bench top, vanity top, work top, bar top, reception desk, etc.)
    (Meja, Meja, bangku atas, kesombongan atas, atas pekerjaan, bar top, Meja resepsionis, dll.)
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